Monday, January 30, 2012

Cinderella Tales: Comparison Chart

Cinderella Tales: Comparison Chart

Story Element
Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters--Steptoe
father ?

Remarried after only 6 months to a mean stepmother
Supportive, Caring, Proud, Ignorant, Loved both daughters equally
Married an old widow soon after his wife dies.  Absent from Pear Blossom’s  life
mother ?

Dies at the very beginning of the story
No present mother figure
The mother died when Pear Blossom was very young

Part of the story takes place at the fireplace in the kitchen.  The hazel tree and the festival are also settings in this story. Winter and Spring

A village in Africa and the beautiful city where the king lived. Forest, Garden, Palace 

A village in Korea.  The rice field, river, and festival.  Spring
others —antagonist(s) / traits
2 Evil Stepsisters
Greedy, Selfish, unfair
Jealous, selfish, mean
1 Stepsister
Jealous, greedy, mean, and cruel
Cinderella character / traits

Shy, loyal, determined, sad, and lonely
Kind, Caring, and loving
Meek, kind, humble, and loyal
prince or king character / traits

Determine, caring, tricky, and strong willed
Wise and determine
event(s)—what events and how many?

Mother died, father remarried, Cinderella made to pick lentils out of the ashes twice, visits the hazel tree twice to get clothing for the festival, trying on of the shoe, and the wedding
Nayasha works hard in the garden, passes test given to her by the king on the way to the city, becomes queen and is welcomed into the royal family, Manyara fails the tests she’s given and becomes the queens servant
The mother died, father remarried, Pear Blossom was forced to do lots of chores by stepmother, Fill water jar, pick up rice grains, and pull weeds out of the rice, lost shoe running away from prince, he found her and said she was to be his wife
test—Is there a test for the characters?
Yes, the test is to see who’s foot fits in the golden shoe.
Old lady, little boy, trees, and snake
The strew sandal must fit the princess
magic — What is it? Where does it come from?
The hazel tree is magical.  Whenever Cinderella wishes for something from the tree doves come and bring it to her.
The kind changes forms throughout the different test in the story to see how the girls will treat the people they will be serving.
Frog, ox, and sparrows all help Pear Blossom do her chores so she can go to the festival.
artifact (shoe  & material made from) and events around artifact ?
The small shoe is made of gold.  The slipper got stuck in the tar the prince put out when Cinderella tries to run away from festival.
Food that she gave the boy and the women.
Snake- Nyoka
Straw sandal- Pear Blossom tried on show at festival and price  said she was the woman he would marry
resolution — How does the story end? What happens to Cinderella? To antagonists?
Cinderella marries the prince and the two step sisters get their eyes plucked out by the pigeons.
Nayaha marries the prince and the mean sister has to be her servant
Pear Blossom marries the prince.
message or moral?

Don’t treat others mean and cruel because your actions will come back to you.   
What it means to be good.
Be kind to everyone you meet no matter if you think they will make a difference in your life or not. 
Don’t treat others mean and cruel because your actions will come back to you. 

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